Travel & leisure

Why Couples Need to Getaway

Paul D. Hannah, Senior Editor

Love needs nourishment, attention and time.

Love is like any other organism; it lives and dies according to its health. Love is nurtured and neglected, it reaches the most incredible heights and it whithers into nothing.

In a world where time is spread thinly between obligations and distractions, not much time remains for love. Quality time is the most essential ingredient in love’s nourishment. And let’s be honest, even though it seems like there is never enough time, the truth is, there is plenty of time. The questions is, what do we choose to do with our time?

“In a world where time is spread thinly between obligations and distractions, not much time remains for love.”

My sons complained to me that their weekends were consumed with chores and homework. I sat them down and broke down their entire weekend, down to the minute. The result was that they had hours upon hours of free time.

If you did the same exercise, how much time would you have to spend with the one you love?

Trips take quality time to the highest level. Not only do you get to have a unique experience together, but you also get to separate yourself from your normal life. We love cruising because it takes these trips to another level in that we typically don’t have access to phone calls or emails. You may think you can’t be away from messages that long, but as a successful filmmaker and owner of an active production company, I can tell you one week (5-7 days) likely won’t kill you.

So just as your business, your education, your future requires a substantial investment, so does your love. Take the time, spend the money and go away together.

But what if I can’t afford it?
I concede that there are some couples who simply can’t afford to spend the money. Most of us though can afford a small to moderate trip by just forgoing eating out and six dollar daily Starbucks. For those who cannot with any matter of savings find a few thousand dollars in a year, I suggest a “freecation.” Spend a day at the beach or a picnic in a beautiful park away from home. Even a walk downtown at night, holding hands and window shopping can be special. The most important thing is to do it together.

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